- [图书] Animal 123
- 作者:Jonny Lambert.
- 出版社:Dorling Kindersley Limited,
- 出版日期:2018.
- ISBN:9780241355657 (hardback) :
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- [图书] First numbers book
- 作者:Mary Cartwright;illustrated by Elisa Ferro
- 出版社:Usborne Publishing Ltd
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:9781474986755
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- [图书] Pokémon Primers/Pokémon Primers: 123 Book
- 作者:Simcha Whitehill
- 出版社:Pokémon Company International
- 出版日期:[2021]
- ISBN:9781604382105
- 内容简介:Dozens of Pok??mon can be found in the Pok??mon Primers: 123 Book. With Pikachu, Eevee, an...
- 丛书名:Pokémon Primers
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- [图书] The Usborne big book of numbers
- 作者:written by Felicity Brooks;illustrated by Sophia Touliatou/designed by Claire Ever
- 出版社:Usborne
- 出版日期:2018
- ISBN:9781474937191
- 内容简介:"How many hearts does an octopus have? Who uses a figure-eight knot? What exactly is trisk...
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- [图书] Alison Jay's 123
- 出版社:Templar Publishing
- 出版日期:2017
- ISBN:9781787410183
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- [图书] Fish eyes :
- 作者:Lois Ehlert.
- 出版社:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
- 出版日期:1990.
- ISBN:9780152280512
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- [图书] Not a bean /
- 作者:Claudia Guadalupe Martínez ; illustrated by Laura González.
- 出版社:Charlesbridge,
- 出版日期:[2019]
- ISBN:9781580898157
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- [图书] A million dots
- 作者:Sven Volker.
- 出版社:Cicada Books Limited,
- 出版日期:[2019]
- ISBN:9781908714664
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- [图书] 10 hugs and kisses
- 出版社:Chronicle Books LLC
- 出版日期:2021
- ISBN:978-1-4521-7094-7
- 内容简介:In 10 Hugs and Kisses, follow all of the adorable characters as they count all the way up ...
- 丛书名:Beginning Baby
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- [图书] Benny's pennies
- 作者:by Pat Brisson ; illustrated by Bob Barner.
- 出版社:Dragonfly Books,
- 出版日期:1993.
- ISBN:9780440410164
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- [图书] Every buddy counts
- 作者:by Stuart J. Murphy ; illustrated by Fiona Dunbar.
- 出版社:HarperCollins,
- 出版日期:1997.
- ISBN:9780062690081
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- [图书] Do you know noses?
- 作者:[written by Jodie Shepherd.]
- 出版社:Childrens Press, an imprint of Scholastic Inc.,
- 出版日期:[2017]
- ISBN:9780531226186
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Counting is for the birds
- 作者:Frank Mazzola.
- 出版社:Charlesbridge,
- 出版日期:1997
- ISBN:9780881069501
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- [图书] Ten apples up on top!
- 作者:by Theo. LeSieg ; illustrated by Roy McKie.
- 出版社:Beginner Books,
- 出版日期:[1989]
- ISBN:9780394800196
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- [图书] Ducks away!
- 作者:Mem Fox + Judy Horacek
- 出版社:Scholastic Singapore
- 出版日期:2018
- ISBN:9789810992446
- 内容简介:One by one five little ducklings tumble off the bridge into the river below--and mother du...
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