- [图书] Die Isolierung grosser elektrischer Maschinen.
- 出版社:Springer,
- 出版日期:1962.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Conference on Electrical Insulation :
- 出版社:[s.n.],
- 出版日期:1962.
- 所属馆:
- 获取途径:
- [图书] Encyclopedia of electrical insulating materials :
- 出版社:s.n.],
- 出版日期:1958.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Insulation engineering fundamentals.
- 出版社:Lake Publishing Co.,
- 出版日期:1958.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Das Isolier?l im Hochspannungsbetrieb :
- 出版社:Verlag Technik,
- 出版日期:1955.
- 所属馆:
- 获取途径:
- [图书] Die Isolierstoffe der Elektrotechnik.
- 出版社:Springer,
- 出版日期:1957.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Proceedings of the seventh Electrical Insulation Conference : = Seventh Electrical Insulation Conference/1967 Electrical Insulation Conference
- 作者:the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
- ISBN:9781509031061
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Modern dielectric materials.
- 出版社:Heywood,
- 出版日期:1960.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Plastics for electrical insulation /
- 作者:edited by Paul F. Bruins.
- 出版社:Interscience Publishers,
- 出版日期:[1968].
- ISBN:0470113936
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Discharge detection in high voltage equipment.
- 出版社:Temple Press Books,
- 出版日期:1964.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Conference record of 1976 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation : = Conference record of 1976 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Symposium on Electrical Insulation
- 作者:sponsored by the IEEE Group on Electrical Insulation.
- ISBN:9781509031207
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] ASTM standards on electrical insulating materials (with related information).
- 出版社:[s.n.],
- 出版日期:1957.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Moisture and water resistance of electrical insulation /
- 作者:V. Maslov ; translated from the Russian by O. Volodina.
- 出版社:Mir Publishers,
- 出版日期:1979.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Elektrokeramik, werkstoffe, Herstellung, Prüfung, Anwendungen /
- 作者:Hrsg. im Auftrage des Vereins der keramischen Industrie e. V. von Alfred Hecht.
- 出版社:Springer,
- 出版日期:1959.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Nondestructive high potential testing /
- 作者:[by] Harold N. Miller.
- 出版社:Hayden Book Co.,
- 出版日期:[1964]
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