- [图书] 爱欲与启蒙的迷醉
- 作者:(美)贝尔格(Steven Berg)著;乔汀译/论柏拉图的《会饮》on Plato''s symposium
- 出版社:华夏出版社
- 出版日期:2016.01
- ISBN:978-7-5080-8708-5
- 内容简介:本书对《会饮篇》进行了重新解读,着力挖掘原文中较为隐微但不可小觑的重要主题,即雅典启蒙思想与苏格拉底思想的冲突。雅典启蒙思想作为前苏格拉底时代流行于雅典的思潮,是苏格拉底哲学思想诞...
- 丛书名:西方传统 经典与解释
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- [图书] The formation of wood in forest trees :
- 作者:Edited by Martin H. Zimmermann.
- 出版社:Academic Press,
- 出版日期:1964.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Communications
- 出版社:[Institute of Radio Engineers]
- 出版日期:[1960?]
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- [图书] Vistas in astronautics-1960 volume III :
- 作者:jointly sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
- 出版社:Soc. of Automotive Engineers,
- 出版日期:1960.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Hydrogen embrittlement testing :
- 作者:Louis Raymond, symposium chairman.
- 出版社:American Society for Testing and Materials,
- 出版日期:1974.
- 所属馆:
- 获取途径:
- [图书] Third International Symposium on Gas-Flow and Chemical Lasers, September 8-12, 1980, Marseille (France)
- 作者:symposium chairmen: J.P. Caressa ...
- 出版社:E?d. de Physique
- 出版日期:1980
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Boron-nitrogen chemistry /
- 作者:Kurt Niedenzu, symposium chairman.
- 出版社:American Chemical Society,
- 出版日期:1964.
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- [图书] Homogeneous catalysis; industrial applications and implications :
- 作者:B.J. Luberoff, symposium chairman.
- 出版社:[s.n.],
- 出版日期:1968.
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Heat transfer--Houston.
- 作者:Louis Bernath, symposium editor.
- 出版社:AIChE,
- 出版日期:1963.
- 所属馆:
- 获取途径:
- [图书] Pesticides identification at the residue level :
- 作者:Francis J. Biros, symposium chairman.
- 出版社:American Chemical Society,
- 出版日期:1971.
- ISBN:0841201196
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- [图书] The Presentation of creep strain data: proceedings of the symposium, 5-6 October, 1971 /
- 作者:symposium chairman G. P. Smedley.
- 出版社:British Steel Corporation Corporate Laboratories [for the] British Steelmakers Creep Committee,
- 出版日期:1972.
- ISBN:090020642X
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Proceedings of the Symposium on Modern Network Synthesis.
- 出版社:[s.n.],
- 出版日期:1952.
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- [图书] Testing for prediction of material performance in structures and components /
- 作者:R. S. Shane, symposium chairman.
- 出版社:American Society for Testing and Materials,
- 出版日期:[1972]
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Probabilistic aspects of fatigue /
- 作者:Robert A. Heller, symposium chairman.
- 出版社:American Society for Testing and Materials,
- 出版日期:[1972]
- 所属馆:
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- [图书] Progress in flaw growth and fracture toughness testing :
- 作者:J. G. Kaufman, symposium chairman.
- 出版社:American Society for Testing and Materials,
- 出版日期:1973.
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