作者:[Held under the auspices of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, International Union of Crystallography ; organized by the Science Council of Japan, the Physial Society of Japan and the Crystallographic Society of Japan].
作者:sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Information Theory Group ; co-sponsored by Union Radio Scientifique Internationale.
出版社:[Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers],
作者:sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Information Theory Group ; co-sponsored by Union Radio Scientifique Internationale.
出版社:[Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers],
作者:International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, IABSE = 11e congre?s, Vienne : rapport final / Association internationale des ponts et charpentes, AIPC.
作者:edited by Paul Melchior and Shigoru Yumi ; with the cooperation of Lady Jeffreys ; International astronomical union ; Union astronomique internationale.
[Held under the auspices of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, International Union of Crystallography ; organized by the Science Council of Japan, the Physial Society of Japan and the Crystallographic Society of Japan].
sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Information Theory Group ; co-sponsored by Union Radio Scientifique Internationale.
[Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers],
sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Information Theory Group ; co-sponsored by Union Radio Scientifique Internationale.
[Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers],
International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, IABSE = 11e congre?s, Vienne : rapport final / Association internationale des ponts et charpentes, AIPC.
edited by Paul Melchior and Shigoru Yumi ; with the cooperation of Lady Jeffreys ; International astronomical union ; Union astronomique internationale.