作者:Helene Gayle, William Foege, Lisa Brown, and Benjamin Kahn, editors ; Committee on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine for the Novel Coronavirus ; Board on Health Sciences Policy ; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice ; Health and Medicine Di
作者:compte-rendu d'un séminaire organise par le Centre International de l'Enfance, Paris, Mai 1961 ; presidents: Dugald Baird, Stephane Thieffry ; documents collected by J. Fabia.
Helene Gayle, William Foege, Lisa Brown, and Benjamin Kahn, editors ; Committee on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine for the Novel Coronavirus ; Board on Health Sciences Policy ; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice ; Health and Medicine Di
compte-rendu d'un séminaire organise par le Centre International de l'Enfance, Paris, Mai 1961 ; presidents: Dugald Baird, Stephane Thieffry ; documents collected by J. Fabia.