作者:sponsored by the Government of the United States and conducted at Brookhaven National Laboratory under the auspcies of the Atomic Energy Commission, the Department of State, and the International Cooperation Administration.
作者:transaction general editors, Thomas A. Jaeger, Bruno A. Boley ; conference organization by International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology and Commission of the European Communities, in cooperation with Bundesanstalt fu?r Material
出版社:North-Holland Pub. Co. for the Commission of the European Communities,
作者:sponsored by Remote Systems Technology Division ; in conjunction with American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting ; conference review committee, Robert E. Womack [and others] ; editor, Diane R. Wojciechowski.
sponsored by the Government of the United States and conducted at Brookhaven National Laboratory under the auspcies of the Atomic Energy Commission, the Department of State, and the International Cooperation Administration.
transaction general editors, Thomas A. Jaeger, Bruno A. Boley ; conference organization by International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology and Commission of the European Communities, in cooperation with Bundesanstalt fu?r Material
North-Holland Pub. Co. for the Commission of the European Communities,
sponsored by Remote Systems Technology Division ; in conjunction with American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting ; conference review committee, Robert E. Womack [and others] ; editor, Diane R. Wojciechowski.